1,删除hbase中的 hbase:meta表中相应的region的row如;get 'hbase:meta','kylin_metadata,,1481101316881.f3b4c7c1148aee68fbaaecd2dfdb9e70.'delete 'hbase:meta','kylin_metadata,,1481101316881.f3b4c7c1148aee68fbaaecd2dfdb9e70.','info:regioninfo' delete 'hbase:meta','kylin_metadata,,1481101316881.f3b4c7c1148aee68fbaaecd2dfdb9e70.','info:seqnumDuringOpen' delete 'hbase:meta','kylin_metadata,,1481101316881.f3b4c7c1148aee68fbaaecd2dfdb9e70.','info:server' delete 'hbase:meta','kylin_metadata,,1481101316881.f3b4c7c1148aee68fbaaecd2dfdb9e70.','info:serverstartcode' 1,删除zkcli /hbase2,重启hbase4 hbase hbck -repair table_name5,重启hbase6,hbase hbck -repair table_name如何开启hbase balancer?HBase will perform the balancing for you automatically as long as the HBase balancer hasn't been disabled. You can check for the state of the balancer using the hbase shell: $ hbase shell hbase(main):008:0> balancer_enabled true Assuming the balancer hasn't been turned off, that should be enough for you to let the HBase Master re-balance the regions in the cluster to include the new server, otherwise if the balancer is off (false) then you can re-enable it with the "balance_switch true" command from the hbase shell. See also the "balancer" command from the shell.